Module fipImage

Corona wrapper for fipImage, a class used to manage all photo related images and all image types used by the library.

fipImage encapsulates the FIBITMAP format. It relies on the FreeImage library, especially for loading / saving images and for bit depth conversion.


fipImage:accessPixels () Returns a pointer to the bitmap bits.
fipImage:adjustBrightness (percentage) Adjusts the brightness of a 8, 24 or 32-bit image by a certain amount.
fipImage:adjustBrightnessContrastGamma (brightness, constrast, gamma) Adjusts an image's brightness, contrast and gamma within a single operation.
fipImage:adjustContrast (percentage) Adjusts the contrast of a 8, 24 or 32-bit image by a certain amount.
fipImage:adjustCurve (LUT, channel) Perfoms an histogram transformation on a 8, 24 or 32-bit image according to the values of a lookup table (LUT).
fipImage:adjustGamma (gamma) Performs gamma correction on a 8, 24 or 32-bit image.
fipImage:assign (image) Assign one image to another.
fipImage:clear () Destroy image data.
fipImage:clearThumbnail () Clear the thumbnail possibly attached to the bitmap.
fipImage:clone (image) Creates a new image that is a copy of another.
fipImage:colorQuantize (algorithm) Quantizes a full colour 24-bit bitmap to a palletised 8-bit bitmap.
fipImage:combineChannels (red, green, blue) Builds a 24-bit RGB image given its red, green and blue channel.
fipImage:convertTo4Bits () Converts the bitmap to 4 bits.
fipImage:convertTo8Bits () Converts the bitmap to 8 bits.
fipImage:convertTo16Bits555 () Converts the bitmap to 16 bits.
fipImage:convertTo16Bits565 () Converts the bitmap to 16 bits.
fipImage:convertTo24Bits () Converts the bitmap to 24 bits.
fipImage:convertTo32Bits () Converts the bitmap to 32 bits.
fipImage:convertToFloat () Converts the bitmap to a 32-bit float image.
fipImage:convertToGrayscale () Converts the bitmap to 8 bits.
fipImage:convertToRGB16 () Converts the bitmap to a 48-bit RGB16 image.
fipImage:convertToRGBA16 () Converts the bitmap to a 64-bit RGBA16 image.
fipImage:convertToRGBAF () Converts the bitmap to a 128-bit RGBAF image.
fipImage:convertToRGBF () Converts the bitmap to a 96-bit RGBF image.
fipImage:convertToType (image_type, scale_linearImage) Converts an image to a type supported by FreeImage.
fipImage:convertToUINT16 () Converts the bitmap to a 16-bit unsigned short image.
fipImage:copySubImage (left, top, right, bottom) Copy a sub part of the current image and returns it as a fipImage object.
fipImage:crop (left, top, right, bottom) Crop a sub part of the current image and update it accordingly.
fipImage:dither (algorithm) Converts a 8-bit image to a monochrome 1-bit image using a dithering algorithm.
fipImage:flipHorizontal () Flip the image horizontally along the vertical axis.
fipImage:flipVertical () Flip the image vertically along the horizontal axis.
fipImage:getBitsPerPixel () Returns the bitdepth of the bitmap.
fipImage:getChannel (channel) Retrieves the red, green, blue or alpha channel of a 24- or 32-bit BGR[A] image.
fipImage:getColorsUsed () Retrieves the number of colours used in the bitmap.
fipImage:getColorType () Investigates the colour type of the bitmap.
fipImage:getFileBkColor () Retrieves the file background color of an image.
fipImage:getHeight () Returns the image height in pixels.
fipImage:getHistogram (pointer[, channel="BLACK"]) Computes image histogram.
fipImage:getHorizontalResolution () Returns the bitmap resolution along the X axis, in pixels / cm.
fipImage:getImageMemorySize () Returns the memory footprint of a bitmap, in bytes.
fipImage:getImageSize () Returns the size of the bitmap in bytes.
fipImage:getImageType () Returns the data type of the image.
fipImage:getInfo () Returns a pointer to the bitmap's BITMAPINFO header.
fipImage:getInfoHeader () Returns a pointer to the bitmap's BITMAPINFOHEADER.
fipImage:getLine () Returns the width of the bitmap in bytes.
fipImage:getMetadata (model, key) Retrieve a metadata attached to the dib.
fipImage:getMetadataCount (model) Returns the number of tags contained in the model metadata model attached to the dib.
fipImage:getPalette () Returns a pointer to the bitmap's palette.
fipImage:getPaletteSize () Returns the palette size in bytes.
fipImage:getPixelColor (x, y) Get the pixel color of a 16-, 24- or 32-bit image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).
fipImage:getPixelIndex (x, y) Get the pixel index of a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palettized image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).
fipImage:getThumbnail () Retrieves a copy the thumbnail possibly attached to the bitmap.
fipImage:getScanLine (scanline) Returns a pointer to the start of the given scanline in the bitmap's data-bits.
fipImage:getTransparencyCount () 8-bit transparency: get the number of transparent colors.
fipImage:getTransparencyTable () 8-bit transparency: get the bitmap's transparency table.
fipImage:getScanWidth () Returns the width of the bitmap in bytes rounded to the nearest DWORD.
fipImage:getVerticalResolution () Returns the bitmap resolution along the Y axis, in pixels / cm.
fipImage:getWidth () Returns the image width in pixels.
fipImage:hasFileBkColor () Getter.
fipImage:hasThumbnail () Check if the image has an embedded thumbnail.
fipImage:invert () Inverts each pixel data.
fipImage:isGrayscale () Getter.
fipImage:isModified () Get the image status.
fipImage:isTransparent () Getter.
fipImage:isValid () Indicates whether the image is valid for use.
fipImage:load (name, flags) Loads an image from disk, given its file name and an optional flag.
fipImage:loadFromMemory (memIO, flags) Loads an image using the specified memory stream and an optional flag.
fipImage:makeThumbnail (max_size[, convert=true]) Creates a thumbnail image keeping aspect ratio.
fipImage:newTexture () Get an external texture from the current state that may be used in Corona.
fipImage:pasteSubImage (src, left, top[, alpha=256]) Alpha blend or combine a sub part image with the current image.
fipImage:rescale (new_width, new_height, filter) Rescale the image to a new width / height.
fipImage:rotate (angle, bkcolor) Image rotation by means of three shears.
fipImage:rotateEx (angle, x_shift, y_shift, x_origin, y_origin, use_mask) Image translation and rotation using B-Splines.
fipImage:save (name, flags) Saves an image to disk, given its file name and an optional flag.
fipImage:saveToMemory (memIO, flags) Saves an image using the specified memory stream and an optional flag.
fipImage:setChannel (image, channel) Insert an 8-bit dib into a 24- or 32-bit image.
fipImage:setFileBkColor ([bkcolor]) Set the file background color of an image.
fipImage:setHorizontalResolution (value) Set the bitmap resolution along the X axis, in pixels / cm.
fipImage:setMetadata (key, tag) Attach a new FreeImage tag to the dib.
fipImage:setModified ([bStatus=true]) Set the image status as 'modified'.
fipImage:setPixelColor (x, y, value) Set the pixel color of a 16-, 24- or 32-bit image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).
fipImage:setPixelIndex (x, y, value) Set the pixel index of a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palettized image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).
fipImage:setSize (type, w, h, bpp[, rmask=0[, gmask=0[, bmask=0]]]) Image allocator.
fipImage:setThumbnail (image) Attach a thumbnail to the bitmap.
fipImage:setTransparencyTable () 8-bit transparency: set the bitmap's transparency table.
fipImage:setVerticalResolution (value) Set the bitmap resolution along the Y axis, in pixels / cm.
fipImage:splitChannels () Split a 24-bit RGB image into 3 greyscale images corresponding to the red, green and blue channels.
fipImage:threshold (T) Converts the bitmap to 1 bit using a threshold T.
fipImage:toneMapping (tmo[, first=0[, second=0[, third=1[, fourth=0]]]]) Converts a High Dynamic Range image (48-bit RGB or 96-bit RGB Float) to a 24-bit RGB image.


fipImage:accessPixels ()
Returns a pointer to the bitmap bits.

It is up to you to interpret these bytes correctly, according to the results of FreeImageGetBPP and GetRedMask, FreeImageGetGreenMask and FreeImage_GetBlueMask. Use this function with fipImage:getScanWidth to iterates through the pixels.


    string Byte stream.
fipImage:adjustBrightness (percentage)
Adjusts the brightness of a 8, 24 or 32-bit image by a certain amount.


  • percentage number Where -100 <= percentage <= 100.

    A value 0 means no change, less than 0 will make the image darker and greater than 0 will make the image brighter.


    boolean Operation was successful?

See also:

fipImage:adjustBrightnessContrastGamma (brightness, constrast, gamma)
Adjusts an image's brightness, contrast and gamma within a single operation.

If more than one of these image display properties need to be adjusted, using this function should be preferred over calling each adjustment function separately. That's particularly true for huge images or if performance is an issue.


  • brightness number
  • constrast number
  • gamma number


    boolean Operation was successful?

See also:

fipImage:adjustContrast (percentage)
Adjusts the contrast of a 8, 24 or 32-bit image by a certain amount.


  • percentage number Where -100 <= percentage <= 100.

    A value 0 means no change, less than 0 will decrease the contrast and greater than 0 will increase the contrast of the image.


    boolean operation was successful?

See also:

fipImage:adjustCurve (LUT, channel)
Perfoms an histogram transformation on a 8, 24 or 32-bit image according to the values of a lookup table (LUT).

The transformation is done as follows.

Image 8-bit : if the image has a color palette, the LUT is applied to this palette, otherwise, it is applied to the grey values.

Image 24-bit & 32-bit : if channel == IPLCCRGB, the same LUT is applied to each color plane (R,G, and B). Otherwise, the LUT is applied to the specified channel only. (NYI, see FREEIMAGECOLOR_CHANNEL)


  • LUT Lookup table. The size of 'LUT' is assumed to be 256.
  • channel The color channel to be processed (only used with 24 & 32-bit DIB).


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:adjustGamma (gamma)
Performs gamma correction on a 8, 24 or 32-bit image.


  • gamma number Gamma value to use. A value of 1.0 leaves the image alone, less than one darkens it, and greater than one lightens it.


    boolean Operation was successful?

See also:

fipImage:assign (image)
Assign one image to another.


  • image fipImage or userdata Image to assign. (TODO: userdata kind of shaky)
fipImage:clear ()
Destroy image data.
fipImage:clearThumbnail ()
Clear the thumbnail possibly attached to the bitmap.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:clone (image)
Creates a new image that is a copy of another.


  • image fipImage Image to clone.


    fipImage Clone.
fipImage:colorQuantize (algorithm)
Quantizes a full colour 24-bit bitmap to a palletised 8-bit bitmap.

The quantize parameter specifies which colour reduction algorithm should be used.



    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:combineChannels (red, green, blue)
Builds a 24-bit RGB image given its red, green and blue channel.


  • red fipImage Input red channel.
  • green fipImage Input green channel.
  • blue fipImage Input blue channel.


    boolean Return false if the dib can't be allocated, if the input channels are not 8-bit images; otherwise, true.
fipImage:convertTo4Bits ()
Converts the bitmap to 4 bits.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertTo8Bits ()
Converts the bitmap to 8 bits.

If the bitmap is 24 or 32-bit RGB, the colour values are converted to greyscale.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertTo16Bits555 ()
Converts the bitmap to 16 bits.

The resulting bitmap has a layout of 5 bits red, 5 bits green, 5 bits blue and 1 unused bit.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertTo16Bits565 ()
Converts the bitmap to 16 bits.

The resulting bitmap has a layout of 5 bits red, 6 bits green and 5 bits blue.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertTo24Bits ()
Converts the bitmap to 24 bits.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertTo32Bits ()
Converts the bitmap to 32 bits.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertToFloat ()
Converts the bitmap to a 32-bit float image.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertToGrayscale ()
Converts the bitmap to 8 bits.

For palletized bitmaps, the color map is converted to a greyscale ramp.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertToRGB16 ()
Converts the bitmap to a 48-bit RGB16 image.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertToRGBA16 ()
Converts the bitmap to a 64-bit RGBA16 image.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertToRGBAF ()
Converts the bitmap to a 128-bit RGBAF image.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertToRGBF ()
Converts the bitmap to a 96-bit RGBF image.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertToType (image_type, scale_linearImage)
Converts an image to a type supported by FreeImage.


  • image_type string New image type, cf. enums.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.
  • scale_linearImage bool pixels must be scaled linearly when converting to a standard bitmap?


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:convertToUINT16 ()
Converts the bitmap to a 16-bit unsigned short image.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:copySubImage (left, top, right, bottom)
Copy a sub part of the current image and returns it as a fipImage object.

This method works with any bitmap type.


  • left int Specifies the left position of the cropped rectangle.
  • top int Specifies the top position of the cropped rectangle.
  • right int Specifies the right position of the cropped rectangle.
  • bottom int Specifies the bottom position of the cropped rectangle.


  1. boolean Operation was successful?
  2. fipImage On success, output subimage.
fipImage:crop (left, top, right, bottom)
Crop a sub part of the current image and update it accordingly.

This method works with any bitmap type.


  • left int Specifies the left position of the cropped rectangle.
  • top int Specifies the top position of the cropped rectangle.
  • right int Specifies the right position of the cropped rectangle.
  • bottom int Specifies the bottom position of the cropped rectangle.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:dither (algorithm)
Converts a 8-bit image to a monochrome 1-bit image using a dithering algorithm.



    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:flipHorizontal ()
Flip the image horizontally along the vertical axis.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:flipVertical ()
Flip the image vertically along the horizontal axis.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:getBitsPerPixel ()
Returns the bitdepth of the bitmap.

When the image type is BITMAP, valid bitdepth can be 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 or 32.


    uint Bitdepth.

See also:

fipImage:getChannel (channel)
Retrieves the red, green, blue or alpha channel of a 24- or 32-bit BGR[A] image.



  1. boolean Operation was successful?
  2. fipImage On success, the output image to be extracted.
fipImage:getColorsUsed ()
Retrieves the number of colours used in the bitmap.

If the bitmap is non-palletised, 0 is returned.


    uint Count.
fipImage:getColorType ()
Investigates the colour type of the bitmap.


    string Color type, cf. enums.FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_TYPE.
fipImage:getFileBkColor ()
Retrieves the file background color of an image.

For 8-bit images, the color index in the palette is returned in the rgbReserved member of the result.


  1. boolean Operation was successful?
  2. RGBQUAD On success, a color quad. (TODO?)
fipImage:getHeight ()
Returns the image height in pixels.


    uint Height.
fipImage:getHistogram (pointer[, channel="BLACK"])
Computes image histogram.

For 24-bit and 32-bit images, histogram can be computed from red, green, blue and black channels. For 8-bit images, histogram is computed from the black channel. Other bit depth is not supported.




    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:getHorizontalResolution ()
Returns the bitmap resolution along the X axis, in pixels / cm.


    number Resolution.
fipImage:getImageMemorySize ()
Returns the memory footprint of a bitmap, in bytes.


    uint Size.
fipImage:getImageSize ()
Returns the size of the bitmap in bytes.

The size of the bitmap is the BITMAPINFOHEADER + the size of the palette + the size of the bitmap data.


    uint Size.
fipImage:getImageType ()
Returns the data type of the image.


    string Type, cf. enums.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.
fipImage:getInfo ()
Returns a pointer to the bitmap's BITMAPINFO header. NYI
fipImage:getInfoHeader ()
Returns a pointer to the bitmap's BITMAPINFOHEADER. NYI
fipImage:getLine ()
Returns the width of the bitmap in bytes.

This is not the size of the scanline.


    uint Width.

See also:

fipImage:getMetadata (model, key)
Retrieve a metadata attached to the dib.



  1. boolean Operation was successful?
  2. fipTag On success, the tag.
fipImage:getMetadataCount (model)
Returns the number of tags contained in the model metadata model attached to the dib.



    uint Count.
fipImage:getPalette ()
Returns a pointer to the bitmap's palette.

If the bitmap doesn't have a palette, getPalette returns NULL. (TODO!)


    array (TODO)
fipImage:getPaletteSize ()
Returns the palette size in bytes.


    uint Size.
fipImage:getPixelColor (x, y)
Get the pixel color of a 16-, 24- or 32-bit image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).


  • x uint Pixel position in horizontal direction.
  • y uint Pixel position in vertical direction.


  1. boolean Operation was successful?
  2. RGBQUAD On success, pixel color. (TODO?)
fipImage:getPixelIndex (x, y)
Get the pixel index of a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palettized image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).


  • x uint Pixel position in horizontal direction.
  • y uint Pixel position in vertical direction.


  1. boolean Operation was successful?
  2. BYTE On success, pixel index. (TODO?)
fipImage:getThumbnail ()
Retrieves a copy the thumbnail possibly attached to the bitmap.


  1. boolean Operation was successful?
  2. fipImage On success (and a thumbnail was present), the image.
fipImage:getScanLine (scanline)
Returns a pointer to the start of the given scanline in the bitmap's data-bits.

This pointer can be cast according to the result returned by fipImage:getImageType.

Use this function with fipImage:getScanWidth to iterates through the pixels. NYI


  • scanline uint


    string Byte stream.
fipImage:getTransparencyCount ()
8-bit transparency: get the number of transparent colors.


    uint The number of transparent colors in a palletised bitmap.
fipImage:getTransparencyTable ()
8-bit transparency: get the bitmap's transparency table. NYI


    string Returns a pointer to the bitmap's transparency table.
fipImage:getScanWidth ()
Returns the width of the bitmap in bytes rounded to the nearest DWORD.


    uint Scan width.
fipImage:getVerticalResolution ()
Returns the bitmap resolution along the Y axis, in pixels / cm.


    number Resolution.
fipImage:getWidth ()
Returns the image width in pixels.


    uint Width.
fipImage:hasFileBkColor ()


    boolean Image has a file background color?
fipImage:hasThumbnail ()
Check if the image has an embedded thumbnail.


    boolean Thumbnail is present in the bitmap?
fipImage:invert ()
Inverts each pixel data.


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:isGrayscale ()


    boolean Bitmap is an 8-bit bitmap with a greyscale palette?
fipImage:isModified ()
Get the image status. NYI (forgot!)


    boolean Image is marked as modified?

See also:

fipImage:isTransparent ()


    boolean Image is transparent?
fipImage:isValid ()
Indicates whether the image is valid for use.

Reimplemented in fipWinImage.


    boolean Image is allocated?
fipImage:load (name, flags)
Loads an image from disk, given its file name and an optional flag.



    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:loadFromMemory (memIO, flags)
Loads an image using the specified memory stream and an optional flag.



    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:makeThumbnail (max_size[, convert=true])
Creates a thumbnail image keeping aspect ratio.


  • max_size uint Maximum width or height in pixel units.
  • convert bool Convert the image to a standard type? (default true)


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:newTexture ()
Get an external texture from the current state that may be used in Corona.

TODO: More thorough, caveats about threading


    CoronaExternalTexture Texture which may be passed to Corona's display APIs via its filename and baseDir fields.
fipImage:pasteSubImage (src, left, top[, alpha=256])
Alpha blend or combine a sub part image with the current image.

The bit depth of dst bitmap must be greater than or equal to the bit depth of src. Upper promotion of src is done internally. Supported bit depth equals to 4, 8, 16, 24 or 32.


  • src fipImage Source subimage.
  • left int Specifies the left position of the sub image.
  • top int Specifies the top position of the sub image.
  • alpha int Alpha blend factor. The source and destination images are alpha blended if alpha = 0..255. If alpha > 255, then the source image is combined to the destination image. (default 256)


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:rescale (new_width, new_height, filter)
Rescale the image to a new width / height.


  • new_width uint New image width.
  • new_height uint New image height.
  • filter string The filter parameter specifies which resampling filter should be used. (TODO: FREEIMAGEFILTER)


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:rotate (angle, bkcolor)
Image rotation by means of three shears. NYI


  • angle number Image rotation angle, in degree.
  • bkcolor Background color (image type dependent), default to black background. (TODO)


    Returns rotated dib if successful, returns NULL otherwise. (TODO: bool in docs)
fipImage:rotateEx (angle, x_shift, y_shift, x_origin, y_origin, use_mask)
Image translation and rotation using B-Splines.


  • angle number Image rotation angle, in degree.
  • x_shift number Image horizontal shift.
  • y_shift number Image vertical shift.
  • x_origin number Origin of the x-axis.
  • y_origin number Origin of the y-axis.
  • use_mask bool Mask the image? Image mirroring is applied when use_mask is false.


    Returns the translated & rotated dib if successful, returns NULL otherwise. (TODO: bool in docs)
fipImage:save (name, flags)
Saves an image to disk, given its file name and an optional flag.



    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:saveToMemory (memIO, flags)
Saves an image using the specified memory stream and an optional flag.



    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:setChannel (image, channel)
Insert an 8-bit dib into a 24- or 32-bit image.



    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:setFileBkColor ([bkcolor])
Set the file background color of an image.

When saving an image to PNG, this background color is transparently saved to the PNG file. When the bkcolor parameter is absent, the background color is removed from the image.


  • bkcolor string (TODO: RGBQUAD)


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:setHorizontalResolution (value)
Set the bitmap resolution along the X axis, in pixels / cm.


  • value number
fipImage:setMetadata (key, tag)

Attach a new FreeImage tag to the dib.

Sample use (TODO: Lua version):

 fipImage image;
 -- ...
 fipTag tag;
 tag.setKeyValue("Caption/Abstract", "my caption");
 image.setMetadata(FIMD_IPTC, tag.getKey(), tag);
 tag.setKeyValue("Keywords", "FreeImage;Library;Images;Compression");
 image.setMetadata(FIMD_IPTC, tag.getKey(), tag);


  • key string Tag field name.
  • tag fipTag Tag to be attached.


    Operation was successful?
fipImage:setModified ([bStatus=true])
Set the image status as 'modified'.

When using the fipWinImage class, the image status is used to refresh the display. It is changed to FALSE whenever the display has just been refreshed. NYI (missed it :) )


  • bStatus bool The image should be marked as modified? (default true)

See also:

fipImage:setPixelColor (x, y, value)
Set the pixel color of a 16-, 24- or 32-bit image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).


  • x uint Pixel position in horizontal direction.
  • y uint Pixel position in vertical direction.
  • value RGBQUAD Pixel color. (TODO: RGBQUAD *)


    Operation was successful?
fipImage:setPixelIndex (x, y, value)
Set the pixel index of a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palettized image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).


  • x uint Pixel position in horizontal direction.
  • y uint Pixel position in vertical direction.
  • value BYTE Pixel index. (TODO: BYTE *)


    Operation was successful?
fipImage:setSize (type, w, h, bpp[, rmask=0[, gmask=0[, bmask=0]]])
Image allocator.


  • type string Image type, cf. enums.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.
  • w uint Width.
  • h uint Height.
  • bpp uint Bitdepth.
  • rmask uint Red mask... (default 0)
  • gmask uint (default 0)
  • bmask uint ...and blue. (default 0)


    Operation was successful?
fipImage:setThumbnail (image)
Attach a thumbnail to the bitmap.


  • image fipImage


    Operation was successful?
fipImage:setTransparencyTable ()
8-bit transparency: set the bitmap's transparency table. NYI
fipImage:setVerticalResolution (value)
Set the bitmap resolution along the Y axis, in pixels / cm.


  • value number
fipImage:splitChannels ()
Split a 24-bit RGB image into 3 greyscale images corresponding to the red, green and blue channels.


  1. boolean Returns false if the dib isn't a valid image, if it's not a 24-bit image or if one of the output channel can't be allocated; otherwise true.
  2. fipImage On success, output red channel...
  3. fipImage channel...
  4. fipImage ...and blue channel.
fipImage:threshold (T)
Converts the bitmap to 1 bit using a threshold T.


  • T byte Threshold value in [0..255].


    boolean Operation was successful?
fipImage:toneMapping (tmo[, first=0[, second=0[, third=1[, fourth=0]]]])
Converts a High Dynamic Range image (48-bit RGB or 96-bit RGB Float) to a 24-bit RGB image.


  • tmo string Tone mapping operator, cf. enums.FREE_IMAGE_TMO.
  • first number First tone mapping algorithm parameter (algorithm dependant). (default 0)
  • second number Second tone mapping algorithm parameter (algorithm dependant). (default 0)
  • third number Third tone mapping algorithm parameter (algorithm dependant). (default 1)
  • fourth number Fourth tone mapping algorithm parameter (algorithm dependant). (default 0)


    boolean Operation was successful?
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