
Type Library
Revision Release 2022.3683
Keywords Amazon, IAP, in-app purchases
Platforms Android


The Amazon IAP plugin lets you sell digital content and subscriptions from within your apps, including in-game currency, expansion packs, upgrades, magazine issues, and more.

  • This is the legacy version of the plugin Amazon IAP, please see the new Amazon IAP V3

  • If you are using the older v1 Solar2d plugin from Amazon see the migration page for a summary of changes.

  • If you're new to Amazon In-App Purchasing, read Amazon's Understanding In-App Purchasing guide.

  • You must install the Amazon App Tester or publish your app in the Amazon Appstore to use this plugin. Details on testing can be found here.

For in-app purchasing on other platforms, see the documentation for Google IAP, Apple IAP, Samsung IAP, or Store API.


To use Amazon in-app purchasing, you must first register for an Amazon Developer account.


local store = require( "" )




Project Settings

To use this plugin, add an entry into the plugins table of build.settings. When added, the build server will integrate the plugin during the build phase.

settings =
    plugins =
        [""] =
            publisherId = "com.coronalabs"

Solar2D Native

To use this plugin with Solar2D Native:

  1. Copy and into the libs/ directory of your project.

  2. Add the following section into your AndroidManifest.xml file, inside the application tag:

<receiver android:name = "">
        <action android:name = ""
            android:permission = ""/>
  1. Also, set targetedAppStore to "amazon" in your AndroidManifest.xml file:
<meta-data android:name="targetedAppStore" android:value="amazon"/>