
Type Function
Object EventDispatcher
Return value Boolean or nil
Revision Release 2022.3683
Keywords addEventListener, event listener
See also object:removeEventListener()


Adds a listener to the object's list of listeners. When the named event occurs, the listener will be invoked and be supplied with a table representing the event.

Returns true if your listener was successfully added to the EventDispatcher, Runtime, DisplayObject, etc. Returns nil if you have invalid arguments, such as the listener not being a function or if it's a table that doesn't have a function matching the event name.


object:addEventListener( eventName, listener )
eventName (required)

String. String specifying the name of the event to listen for. Please refer to the Events documentation for valid event names.

listener (optional)

Listener. Listeners can be either functions or table objects. If the event's event.name matches this string, the listener will be invoked. Event listeners are either functions or objects (table listeners). This argument is optional if it's a table listener of the same object.


On iOS, if you monitor the device's accelerometer by setting the eventName argument to "accelerometer", you must include the following keys/descriptions in the plist table of build.settings. When the system prompts the user to allow access, the associated description is displayed as part of the alert. Note that these descriptions can be customized to your preference and they can even be localized (guide).

settings =
    iphone =
        plist =
            NSMotionUsageDescription = "This app would like to access the accelerometer.",


local object = display.newImage( "image.png" )

function object:touch( event )
    if event.phase == "began" then
        print( "You touched the object!" )
        return true

object:addEventListener( "touch", object )