
Type CoronaLibrary
Revision Release 2022.3683
Keywords license, licensing


The Solar2D licensing library lets you check to see if the app was bought from a store. Currently, only Google Play is supported.

For further information, see the Google licensing reference page.

Project Settings

You must add the following permission to your build.settings file in order to use the Google licensing provider:

settings =
    android =
        usesPermissions =

In addition, you must include the license table with your unique license key within the project's config.lua file. This key value must be obtained from Google.

application =
    license =
        google =
            key = "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY",
            policy = "serverManaged"

The policy key is optional. Its value can be either "serverManaged" (default) or "strict". A value of "serverManaged" will query the Google server and cache the results; this is similar to Google's ServerManagedPolicy. A value of "strict" will not cache the results, so when there's a network failure, the licensing will fail; this is similar to Google's StrictPolicy.



local licensing = require( "licensing" )

local function licensingListener( event )

    if not ( event.isVerified ) then
        -- Failed to verify app from the Google Play store; print a message
        print( "Pirates!!!" )

local licensingInit = licensing.init( "google" )

if ( licensingInit == true ) then
    licensing.verify( licensingListener )