Type String Event completion Revision Release 2022.3683 Keywords completion, url
When the completion event is dispatched after a user has selected or captured a video with media.captureVideo() or media.selectVideo(), this property indicates the URL to the video file. You can use this URL in native.newVideo() or media.playVideo().
-- Video completion listener local onVideoComplete = function ( event ) print ( "video session ended" ) end -- Capture completion listener local function onComplete( event ) if event.completed then media.playVideo( event.url, media.RemoteSource, true , onVideoComplete ) print ( event.duration ) print ( event.fileSize ) end end if media.hasSource( media.Camera ) then media.captureVideo( { listener=onComplete } ) else native.showAlert( "Corona" , "This device does not have a camera." , { "OK" } ) end |