Module documentation.

Corona bindings to the Eigen numerical library.

To use the plugin, add the following in build.settings:

plugins = {
  ["plugin.eigen"] = { publisherId = "com.xibalbastudios" }

A sample project is available here.

This plugin is designed to be called safely from other Lua processes.


bdcsvd A data type embodying bidiagonal divide-and-conquer SVD operations.
block A block expression derived from a matrix.
boolmatrix A data type returned by various matrix predicate operations.
choleskybase Methods common to all Cholesky solvers.
colpivhouseholderqr A data type embodying column-pivot Householder QR operations.
commonwriteops Subset of methods common to BoolMatrix and Matrix proper, as well as some expressions, that modify the object.
completeorthogonaldecomposition A data type embodying complete orthogonal decomposition QR operations.
complexeigensolver A data type embodying complex eigensolver operations.
complexschur A data type embodying complex Schur operations.
diagonal A diagonal expression derived from a matrix.
eigen Top-level Eigen functions.
eigensolver A data type embodying eigensolver operations.
eigentype The Eigen plugin is divided into five namespaces, according to the underlying data type: int (signed integers), float (single-precision float), double (double-precision float), cfloat (single-precision complex number), and cdouble (double-precision complex number).
fullpivhouseholderqr A data type embodying full-pivot Householder QR operations.
fullpivlu A data type embodying full-pivot LU operations.
generalizedeigensolver A data type embodying generalized eigensolver operations.
generalizedselfadjointeigensolver A data type embodying generalized self-adjoint eigensolver operations.
hessenbergdecomposition A data type embodying Hessenberg decompositions.
householderqr A data type embodying Householder QR operations.
jacobisvd A data type embodying Jacobi SVD operations.
ldlt A data type embodying LDLT Cholesky operations.
llt A data type embodying LLT Cholesky operations.
map A map over a matrix type.
matrix Wrapper over Eigen's matrices.
numericalwriteops Subset of methods, common to Matrix and some expressions, that change the object via numerical operations.
partialpivlu A data type embodying partial-pivot LU operations.
qrbase Methods common to all QR solvers.
qrextensions Methods common to a few QR solvers and occuring elsewhere as well.
realqz A data type embodying real QZ operations.
realschur A data type embodying real Schur operations.
selfadjointeigensolver A data type embodying self-adjoint eigensolver operations.
selfadjointview A self-adjoint view of a matrix.
transpose A transposed matrix.
triangularview A triangular view of a matrix.
tridiagonalization A data type embodying a tridiagonalization.
vectorblock A vector block expression derived from a matrix.
xprops Subset of methods, common to BoolMatrix and Matrix, that create expression objects.
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