Class ClipType

One of the following strings:

  • "Intersection": Create regions where both subject and clip polygons are filled.

  • "Union": Create regions where either subject or clip polygons (or both) are filled.
  • "Difference": Create regions where subject polygons are filled except where clip polygons are filled.
  • "Xor": Create regions where either subject or clip polygons are filled but not where both are filled.

All polygon clipping is performed with a Clipper object with the specific boolean operation indicated by the ClipType parameter passed in its Execute method.

With regard to open paths (polylines), clipping rules generally match those of closed paths (polygons).

However, when there are both polyline and polygon subjects, the following clipping rules apply:

  • union operations - polylines will be clipped by any overlapping polygons so that non-overlapped portions will be returned in the solution together with the union-ed polygons
  • intersection, difference and xor operations - polylines will be clipped only by 'clip' polygons and there will be no interaction between polylines and subject polygons.

See here for some visual examples.

See also:

generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2018-08-13 18:06:38