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Amazing stuff!

A fumbling (and late-started) attempt at a game for Github’s Game Off 2012:

Take The Fork

(The cursor keys control the Spacemen: all three of them… but two of them move in reverse! The goal is to collect the fork.)

The link may or may not work—I think it times out? A LOT of Lua gets compiled to JavaScript, with no caching to speak of, which I imagine (pending further investigation) to be the reason. If so, do a refresh… or two. Or three.

It emulates the interface and behavior of various components of the Corona SDK, namely (some of) the display library, most of the transition and timer libraries, event listeners, plus some odds and ends. This allowed me to bring in several modules I’d developed; at the moment these can all be found in snippets∗ —in particular, this is largely a port of the “Game” snippet.

Love2D WebPlayer was used under the hood, and lua.js in turn backs (backed?) that. Both are cool projects. Unfortunately my toolkit seems to be wide-ranging enough to flush out all the NYI Lua corner cases. I spent too much time distracted from the game itself, and it looks like even the core logic only half works—in particular, the fork collision is sporadically broken. I may re-explore the idea, though probably with an Emscripten-based VM (having neither coroutines nor weak tables was a tough row to hoe).

This is a proof of concept more than anything. I’ve since incorporated the Binary Land mechanic into a different project, still in progress. Meanwhile, a friend did something rather nice with the same mechanic:

Abbigale and the Monster

∗ - My intent, however, is for future code to use submodules, which will see much of this migrated out. UPDATE This is mostly done.
