Module documentation.


enums Various FreeImage enumerations.
fipImage Corona wrapper for fipImage, a class used to manage all photo related images and all image types used by the library.
fipMemoryIO Corona wrapper for fipMemoryIO, a memory handle class that allows you to load / save images from / to a memory stream.
fipMetadataFind Corona wrapper for fipMetadataFind, a metadata iterator.
fipMultiPage Corona wrapper for fipMultiPage, a multi-page file stream.
fipTag Corona wrapper for fipTag.
fipWinImage Corona wrapper for fipWinImage, a class designed for MS Windows (TM) platforms.
flags Various FreeImage flags.
freeimage Corona binding for FreeImage:

"FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications.

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